Digital Gamification for Youth Engagement

Based on the research, that NGO can play important role to promote youth engagement and participation, this project and will foster participation in youth sector by activities using digital gamification elements as new form of youth engagement, develop attractive and innovative methods of youth work and provide open educational resources.
Gamification is the application of game elements and digital game design techniques to non-game problems, such as business and social impact challenges. That is a psychology- and motivation-based approach to increase the motivation, engagement and contribution of the target audience, as well as stimulate achievement of the necessary results through their active involvement.During the project stages we will research the elements and tools of gamification, and create handbook, gamification tool and training (including curriculum) to educate the youth organizations on how to use the digital gamification, how to create the game by using of existing free templates and applications, how to involve and educate a greater number of young people on various topics – democracy, unemployment, civic engagement, human rights, youth entrepreneurship, environmental education, social responsibility and active participation in community activities among youth leaders and youth workers.The project aims to:1) Facilitate youth engagement in European, Asia and Latin America countries through developed on the spot and online video training, handbook and adapted online interactive multilevel educational game/tool;2) Promote the cooperation between youth organizations and organizations in the education and training fields and stakeholders; 3) Promote new forms of youth work, use of open and flexible learning, open educational resources (OER) and better exploitation of the ICT potential; 4) Encourage and educate youth organizations to use and create new tools for youth participation, using new technologies; 5) Disseminate results.The project involves youth workers mobility during which they will be trained on the topic of gamification and get increased their personal and professional qualification, get new points of view on their local issues and there will be transfer of skills and knowledge. As well it will have mobilties to summarise different approaches in different regions concerning youth engagement.The project foresees the following results:1) Handbook “How to succeed with digital gamification for youth”, 280 printed in 8 languages, and in pdf format in all languages published for free receiving in partners web pages;2) Curriculum, workshop and online training “Gamification as a tool for youth engagement”, available later on for free in partners web pages;3) Online interactive multilevel educational game (tool), available later on for free;4) Transnational conference “Play for changes”;5) Experience exchange visits, where European partners will share the experience with Latin America and Asia organizations.