Perspective paper on ICT in ITE

European Schoolnet publishes its Perspective paper on ICT in Initial Teacher Education!
The EUN Perspective paper is a short 4 page summary to help stakeholders stay up-to-date with what EUN is doing to broker educational research findings. It combines a summary of research evidence from ITELab, together with ideas of policy action and implication of the evidence fo using technology in teaching and learning.
This edition is focused on:
- How student teachers receive training on the pedagogical use of ICT?
- How is ICT integrated in Initial Teacher Education (ITE) curricula?
- What institutional ICT competence frameworks could be used in schools to ensure all student teachers are equipped with ICT skills necessary for their teaching practice in 21st century classrooms?
The Perspective summarizes examples of how ITELab partner universities in various European countries are tackling these issues and what ICT competence frameworks are being applied.
If you are interested in getting to know more about innovation in education, download the Perspective here.